Unlearn what you have learned
As we grow up, our surroundings like family and society shape our thoughts.
Society is teaching us to get a good degree in order to get a good job, work 9–5 for 40–50 years, get married & start a family as soon as possible.
So most people pick the first partner that says yes, not the partner they really want. They get the first job that they can get hired for, not the job they really want. They let themselves get out of shape instead of building the body they want. In short, they’re following what society is telling them to do.
In order to truly be happy, we need to unlearn these things.
Even after I broke free from this mouse wheel and started working for myself instead of for someone else, I noticed that I still had a few things I needed to unlearn. The hours, both the amount and when I work are still impacted by what I’ve been taught. So is the rate I’m charging. Somehow I’m still “comparing” it to the salary of being employed.
I’m still working on unlearning some of the things I have learned.
Those are the big thing things, then there are the smaller everyday things. I challenge you to evaluate everything you do in a day. Are you doing things because you’ve been raised to do so or is there actually meaning behind it? Having breakfast immediately after waking up, are you really hungry or is it just a routine?