5 common mistakes runners make

and how to avoid them

The Nomad Athlete
3 min readMay 20, 2023


Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash

Are you ready to lace up your running shoes and embark on a journey to better health and athletic achievement? Running is undoubtedly one of the most accessible and effective ways to boost your fitness level and embrace an active lifestyle.

In this article, we’ll explore five common mistakes that runners often make, hindering their progress and leaving them feeling frustrated or demotivated.

So, if you’re ready to fine-tune your running technique, optimize your training regimen, and unlock your true potential as a runner, let’s dive in and uncover the common pitfalls that may be holding you back.

1. Neglecting Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down

One of the most frequent mistakes runners make is skipping the warm-up and cool-down routines. Neglecting these essential components can increase the risk of muscle strain, cramps, and other injuries. To avoid this, allocate time for dynamic stretching, light jogging, or exercises that engage the major muscle groups before starting your run. Likewise, after completing your run, cool down by gradually reducing your pace and incorporating static stretches to promote muscle recovery and flexibility.

2. Overtraining and Ignoring Rest Days



The Nomad Athlete

Endurance athlete, digital nomad, nerd. Just a normal guy trying to figure out fitness, business, and life. https://thenomadathlete.gumroad.com/l/abetterlife